Monday, 27 February 2012

Another Year.


Much has come and gone. More is yet to come and go. Perhaps yours truly isn't even dazed or bothered about it. It sure feels like a monotonous rhythm to an already worn out melody.

Being pessimistic is often easier than being an optimist. Also, keeping one's opinions to one's self is much safer than having it come back to kick you in the nether regions after being misconstrued by shallow individuals when you least expect it. To the individual who feels slighted at these words, your conscious is trying to get a message through; listen to it.

So, have a good 29 February. It's your only chance to enjoy it until it appears again in the next 4 years. It could also be the last 29 February you will see if you believe that the world is ending this year.

Believe in what you will. Best of luck with it.

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