Tuesday, 23 June 2009


It just struck me a few minutes ago that I've not blogged about many things. E.g. Singapore 2008 trip, Indonesia 2009 trip, smart topics, and the conversations I have with myself while doing all those multiple chauffeur duties.

Nevertheless, I don't feel that up to rehashing all these wonderful memories. *stretches languidly* I have Jill to remind me of the one week awesome-ness in Singapore and I have memorabilia [mostly tickets - made me realize how much stuff we have to pay for just for a trip to ruins @ world heritage sites] from Jogjakarta.

Anywhoo, I wanna tell you guys about Adibah Amin! Yes, I hear you saying "Who..?" and for those seasoned listeners, "*sigh* What strange book/author has she read up this time?" Shame on you if you have any of those thoughts running through your mind. If you didn't, YOU LIE. *snorts*

Back to this lady, she is a female duh! Malaysian author. Let me tell you, her narrations are simply fantastic and her wit makes it impossible for you to not smile while going through her book. This lady is 73 this year! Do your own calculations. I've read 2 of her books so far and her point of view is vastly different and very nonconformist that it actually made me ponder over her words long and hard.

For example, she narrates her experience during the Japanese occupation with fondness. She remembers the kindness of the Japanese soldiers and their amusement and tolerance with her small kid antics. It struck me then, that although it was a cruel 3 years in Malaya, there were people who actually had fond memories developed during that period. I must admit that I was one of those 'people' who did not live through those years but hated the Japanese of that period. Just for emphasis here, my hatred does not extend to the Japanese of the current century for everyone has skeletons in their closets and you do not hold on to things which has come and gone.

Her writings was certainly a test to my way of thinking and supposedly 'open-ness'. Shamefully, I realize that I have a long way to go to be as open as I wish I could be. I can't believe that I am pointing this out now Ugh! but it is true that wisdom comes with age. Adibah's ability to look at life with an almost child-like simplicity has definitely made me a fan of hers! So go grab her book today and read it for yourself!

Oh, how I came across her? My mum is doing her Master's in English hence the various reading materials. Last few months were all about African writers. Last 2 years were about English writers. Now, Malaysian writers are the focus. Just so you know, most of the English writers almost bored me to death. I literally fell asleep reading and I DO NOT fall asleep while reading. Guess there's a first for everything..

Ah! I can't continue with this post no more. Mae is texting me to help her with her assignment. Sadly I cannot multitask with one side of my brain functioning only. Neither can you smart ass. So stop smirking/laughing/cackling there.

Ica: *speaking in german*
Yours truly: *humming song*
Ica: *speaks louder in german while looking at yours truly*
Yours truly: *stares at her* What are you saying..?
Ica: Oh! Damnit.

Language barrier you say.. Attempt to brainwash me I say.

p/s: She was asking me for the dates of a camp she was going to attend.

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