If I was being monitored today, hooray, I'll definitely fail. Heck, the customers knew I wasn't in sound mind today and asked me, no, treated me like I needed help.
Customer: Ok, so what happens now is that I will sign in with my email right?
Yours truly: No, sir. You have to sign in with your user ID first before..
Customer: Yea, yea. I get what you mean. Then I sign in with my email when I get the reset password. Ok?
Yours truly: You have to sign in with the user ID first sir, then only you get to switch to the email ID. *punches air*
Customer: Ah, ok. So I put in my user ID and I'll get to switch it to the email address, right?
Yours truly: Absolutely right sir. Then, they will prompt you to do the switch. *thanks God*
Customer: Right. So my email address will be in the system automatically. So everytime I want to sign in I will have to use my user ID and email address? Hmm..
Yours truly: *gritting teeth and taking deep breaths*
Customer: I'm already in the website.
Yours truly: Ok madam. Please sign in first.
Customer: Done. *smugly* What next?
Yours truly: Do you see the 'Pay Bills' option at the top?
Customer: Top? It's just *bleep*, *bleep*, *bleep* and *bleep*.
Yours truly: Are you at *bleep*'s website madam?
Customer: Yes, yes. *annoyed*
Yours truly: Are you at www.*bleep*.com.my?
Customer: Oh, hold on. Let me get there. *momentary pause* Ok, now?
Yours truly: Yes, sign in to your account.
Customer: Ok. Can I have the username and password?
Yours truly: I'm sorry madam but we don't have the information for that. Have you registered for online banking with *bleep*?
Customer: I have to do that? No, I didn't. So?
Customer: I want to know where my card is.
Yours truly: Can I have your details first miss?
Customer: I requested for a replacement. It's not here yet. How long does it take for you guys to do it?
Yours truly: *checking* I'm sorry miss but no replacement request was made by you.
Customer: What do you mean no replacement??? I fax and email the form in to you so many times!!
Yours truly: I apologize miss. Do you remember who you spoke with? Did they promise you an immediate reply?
Customer: I got the reply by email that I would have gotten it in 3 days! It's been more than 2 months! What's going on??
Yours truly: That is the automated reply for you to receive a call or email from us miss.
Intense would have been an understatement. Then, my dad surprised me by coming to pick me up from work.
*on the phone*
Yours truly: Where are you?
Pa: At the traffic light. Where are you??
Yours truly: I'm at the bus stand. I don't see your car. *swivels head like mad*
Pa: AT THE TRAFFIC LIGHT. It's right across your building!
Yours truly: You know where my building is..? *remembers his previous failed attempt to locate the building*
Pa: Yes. I'm at the traffic light at the corner of Jalan P Ramlee and Jalan *bleep*.
Yours truly: Where is Jalan *bleep*?
Pa: The entrance to KLCC is right beside the car! I have my car signal on!
Yours truly: Err.. *squints eyes* Ah, I think I see you.
Pa: How many traffic lights are there??
Yours truly: One in front of you and 2 at your back..?
Pa: *calms down* Ish, told you right, opposite your building.
Yours truly: How'd I know that you know where my building is?
He subsequently developed a fever while in the car. I promise you, I wasn't praying or wishing anything like that. All I could think of was about bread. Then we made a stop at Guardian for some ActiveFast. We don't seem to have any sort of medication at home. Lots of chinese herbs though.. Dad was in Guardian for a while and joined me at King's to get some bread.
Pa: Here. *hands plastic bag*
Yours truly: What's that? *eyes suspiciously - what would a father get his daughter from a pharmacy?*
Pa: You and Mae each take one. It's a pepper spray.
Yours truly: *speechless* Huh?
*in the car*
Pa: Take one each. Don't forget to pass to Mae.
Yours truly: Ok.
Pa: Don't simply use it.
Yours truly: *wonders how one can simply use a pepper spray*
Pa: It costs me RM*bleep* each.
Yours truly: O_o''
Pa: Make sure when you're walking in a car park, hold it in your hand. Any unknown guy walks up to you just use it in his face and kick his balls. Then run.
Yours truly: O_O??
My parents have a tendency of saying the right things at the right time. It's not superstition or deja vu, trust me. I've observe the both of them enough to take a warning when they give one. It is NOT cool either. I don't want to use a pepper spray cos I was spooked by a guy walking towards me to get to the paying machine for the parking ticket that I just walked past! Plus, I'm sure I'd leave permanent damage.
Mae laughed hard when I told her that. I couldn't even manage a giggle. I
PS: Classified information = *bleep* If you're smart enough, you'll piece up the pieces on your own. Au revoir!
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