Friday 21 October 2011

Another Step Forward.

If yours truly is thankful for one thing at this moment despite the crazy assignments and lack of sleep (and all that jazz), it is for everyone around in Eusoff (especially) and Singapore who have given yours truly constant support. It is indeed hard to see past the barrier but it is not impossible. However, yours truly still doesn't like the competitive, stressful streak here.

To family and friends, you made yours truly believe that indeed, I can always create a home away from home; that I alone am responsible for my own happiness and you all just make it much easier to achieve. Yours truly thought that there wasn't anything else to learn but I was mistaken and proud; humbled, I've learnt much more than I can possibly articulate.

Sometimes yours truly wonders at the probability of things and being a pessimistic being, the worst comes to mind naturally. It takes a lot of courage to just be there and not expect much in return because you sow what you reap. It's best to just give your all then none at all and regretting it later.

Even if the clocks were turned back, yours truly will not change anything that has transcended to date. True, there are some things that yours truly wanted to change but those are the markers that indicate how far ahead yours truly has journeyed. These milestones make a distinct mental and emotional marker every year.

To the D3 Sisterhood, this may just be fatigue + sleepiness + current rush of hormones talking but yours truly is sincerely grateful to have met each and every one of you. The friendship we have is different from those made with my school friends but you have each made a deep impression that will never go away; "What is life?? OH MY GOD, is it the wrong flavour?? STAN! Sex on D, bitch!"

To the close friends everywhere, you are all my blessings; my miracles in fact. Yours truly has something extra that many may never have; I have all your shoulders to rely on when and if I need it. Although the darkness loom sometimes, yours truly knows you'd pick up your rainbow-coloured swords and stab it back (albeit not always effectively).

Family. *sigh* The world on a gold platter if I could despite the multiple "What is wrong with this family???" rants.

This is not supposed to be a warm, heart-felt post but to show just how far yours truly have travelled. Sure, another couple of days and the angst and sadness will return but gratitude is not something easily forgotten. If yours truly has forgotten to say it, thank you for everything and thank you for being you.

Maple, yours truly wish that you would understand English one day or even be able to talk but this will never be. So please let me cuddle you and hug you tight while you never cease in your attempts to gnaw my hands off.

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