Things never go your way so you suck it up. If you feel the world conspires against you, deal with it. Truth be told, when you want to achieve for something, the entire world conspires with you.
Dead end cynic? Hey, you're complaining right? Isn't that something already?
At the end of the day, you never get what you want. You get what you need. Even if the opportunity is taken away from you, maybe it was never meant for you. Maybe it gave way to a better opportunity for you. Maybe someone was teaching you a lesson you had to learn.
We're all cynics. We can be negative, positive, or clueless about it but hey, deep inside, in some corner of you, we're all the same. You and I, we're cynics.
Tell yourself whatever you like. Whatever rocks your boat man.
"Don't run from the truth 'cause you can't get away."