Things have been picking up for me lately. Hectic would be an understatement. There's just so much to figure out and think about that I can't for the life of me, ever remember having so much to think about continuously. In your life, there are many pressing issues that I'm sure you're facing right now. You may be combating a giant or overcoming a hurdle in life. Whatever it is, I wish you all the best and may you get the best outcome (it may not satisfy but proves right in the long run).
I just want those who fervently read my blog to know that this blog isn't turning into a botched attempt. I have much on my mind and I cannot put it down in coherent words. I do not want to use the wrong terms in a rush to express myself and offend where no offense was meant. Plus, I'm not emotionally or mentally stable at the moment.
Just wait patiently for the next post and pray it will be soon.